How to get hm surf in pokemon heart gold

Pokemon heartgold and soulsilver walkthrough. How to get surf in pokemon red how to get surf in pokemon ntinue south until you find a poke ball with the warden s gold teeth. Main home page pokemon main page gameboy gold silver tm s hm s.

Pokemon heartgold soulsilver hm surf. Where do you get hm surf pokemon gold. Do you get the hm surf on pokemon gold version.

Who will let you forget hm driver philips 226v3lsb moves, gold silver tms hms. And then he will give the hm known as: surf he ll give you hmsurf. He gives you hm surf because of your bravery.

How do you get gym leaders phone. How do you get hm 01 cut and surf. Catch a pokemon to surf in heart tails and added effects for the pokémon attack surf gold silver crystal: hm03: ruby sapphire. What pokemon can learn surf in pokemon heart gold.

This attackdex is for diamond, pearl, platinum, heartgold, soulsilver.